Personal Insurance.

We get it. As mums, dads, step- and grandparents ourselves, it’s hard to even think about the worst happening. Our local advisors take your Personal Insurance, well, personally. Sure, we’re experts in risk assessment, claim settlement and translating all that fine print into something human beings can actually understand – but we also take the time to understand you and your circumstances. We’ll show you how to protect the things you love, so that you can get on with living your best life in our country’s best province.

Life Insurance

  • Life Insurance looks after your family if you’re not here to do it yourself (or if you’re diagnosed with a terminal illness). The lump sum payment does more than clear debts like mortgages or personal loans, cover funeral expenses, and take care of the day-to-day bills. It gives you the confidence to live your life to the full right now, knowing that your family will be financially sorted no matter what.

Trauma Insurance

  • How would you and your family keep paying the bills if you got seriously ill? It’s a question you’ll never have to ask again once you have Trauma Cover. Also known as Critical Illness Insurance, it pays a lump sum if you have one of the [more than 45] listed conditions, including cancer, a heart attack or stroke. The money is yours to use whichever way is best for your family; funding additional treatment, paying off debt, covering expenses or enabling your partner to take time off to look after you.

Health Insurance

  • Make sure your health is everyone’s top priority by investing in private medical cover. With the flexibility to “go private” you can get the right treatment, from the medical provider you choose, as soon as you need it. Think of it as your golden ticket to by-passing the public system and jumping to the front of the queue so you can get on with your life sooner.

Total & Permanent Disablement Insurance

  • Sometimes life doesn’t work out like we planned – but with proper planning and Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) cover, it can still work out. The financial security of TPD’s lump sum payment will help you minimise the impact on you and your family. You’ll be able to afford to make changes (like modifying your car or home) so you can keep living the best life you can moving forward.

Income Protection

  • Income Protection is a must for any breadwinner in today’s unsettled (and unsettling) world. Kicking in if disability, illness, or injury stops you working, Income Protection gives you the breathing space to figure out the next best step for you. The monthly payments allow you and your family to keep living the life you love while you sort out what the next chapter of your career will look like.

Mortgage Protection Insurance

  • If you’re like us, your home is the heart of your family. But if you can’t work because of sickness or injury, it can quickly turn into a stressful burden. Mortgage Protection’s regular payments help cover everyday expenses (like your monthly mortgage). With the bank off your back and the family finances sorted, you can get on with getting better and getting life back on track.

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